- Best Online Presentation Skills Course
By Todd Herman
Prospective SEO customers today believe in taking their own time in the selection of an appropriate SEO company. As an SEO professional, your service proposal will matter a lot to win client’s confidence and agreement. A descriptive proposal reflecting your SEO expertise and strategy for the client’s project will help in moving forward.
Building your trust and relationship with your client and critical analysis to evaluate the project will count a lot. Honest comments and actual picture of the client website will help you in the long run and reach up to the expectations of your client. A close perspective and analysis of the client’s business will help the SEO Company to form an opinion and plan SEO services for top rankings and traffic to the client’s website.
Each new project is a challenge to a SEO professional, as every client will have their own requirement to promote and target audience. Extracting information on the competitive brands and knowing the USP of the client business will help you to project the brand in the search engines with best available SEO services. A thorough keyword search, followed by content development on them will be the first step in SEO promotion.
Always evaluate the current ranking of the client website, before beginning content development. This preliminary Keyword Ranking evaluation will help you know the current rank of their website. The Rank Checker, Web CEO, and Google rankings will help you know the website rankings efficiently.
Next, Search Engine Indexing check is a crucial for both the client and SEO provider. Sometimes your client website might be facing constant failure to reach in SEO rankings, despite strong PR rankings and impressive link building. The reason behind is the non-indexing of the website with search engines. Checking the indexing of the website in Google at “YourProspect.com” will help you understand, how Google has indexed this site? Try to find a site map to check the number of pages on rankings and indexing. Assessing the website with the Google Webmaster Tool data will help you to know SEO problems of the website and removing them.
Some newbie website developers make false commitment to a client and create poor SEO supported website. An SEO Expert can easily solve these problems with the help of effective SEO services and help the client to rebuild his business with the same domain. Checking these issues beforehand and including your services in the proposal to correct them will help is raising no issues later. Extracting the content and removing any unnecessary obstacle like heavy Flash, Non- SEO friendly URLs, plagiarism, or poor navigation etc. will help the website to rank again.
Every client would want to see their website at Google top page ranking, but it will depend on the competition and a correct SEO Strategy. Link building is a necessity, but one of the most expensive SEO service, so a detailed discussion with the client on its utility and expenses in your proposal, is a must. Suggest the client to include their business in Google Local Business, as it is an effective way for marketing. Using this information in your proposal will not only impress your client, but also help your client understand time, strategy and expense involved.
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