You work hard to think of the best way to represent your company and help people quickly and easily identify you. Unfortunately, there are individuals who may take your ideas and use them as their own, causing confusion among consumers. This is why it’s important to understand your rights and what hiring a trademark attorney in Chicago can do for you. These attorneys will help you preserve the corporate identity you have developed.
Filing for Your Trademark
First and foremost, a trademark attorney in Chicago can help you with the trademark filing process. Until you have a trademark in place, it can be extremely difficult to prove you are the original creator of the slogan or name you have planned to use for your business, leaving it open for others to use with little to no recourse possible. Hiring an attorney will ensure you fill out all of the paperwork properly so the process goes as quickly as possible. The faster you are able to trademark your identifying information, the less likely someone will be able to use it before it truly belongs to you.
Fighting Disputes
Whether you have begun the trademark process or it has been completed, you will need to fight against anyone who tries to replicate your branding. However, it can be difficult to fight these battles on your own. A trademark attorney in Chicago has the experience necessary to help you manage your case so you can take the right approach. In some cases, a simple letter from a lawyer is enough to get individuals to stop using your trademarked materials, while other situations may require a trip to court. In either case, an attorney can be a valuable asset in your corner, taking care of the issue more quickly.
If you are in need of a trademark attorney in Chicago, visit the Jayaram Law Firm website to find out how they can help.